Write Letter to Your Friend about Your Likes and Dislikes

Write a Letter to Your Pen Friend Describing Yourself About Your Likes and Dislikes.

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Sub: My Likes and Dislikes in Life

My dear friend,

I received your loving letter yesterday. It gives me immense pleasure because you want to know more about myself. Well, I am going to share a short description about my likes and dislikes.

Everyone has his own likes and dislikes. Likes and dislikes differ from man to man. Thus one man’s likes may be another man’s dislikes. As a human being, I have definitely my likes and dislikes.

I like painting. Whenever I get time, I take up my brushes and paints and draw pictures. It brings me relief from all the worries of life. I like to play with my friends. I also like to watch the birds and imitate their songs. I like Indian classical instruments like Santoor, Sarod, and Sitar. Traveling is another thing which I like very much. The mountains are always my favourite. Every summer vacation I go to Sikkim with my parents to spend a few days. The formation of the stars in the evening sky attracts me very much. I prefer sweets to meet. Birds and flowers of all kinds are very dear to me. Of all the things I like most is to be left alone with a story book with the music on.

I also dislike many things. I dislike early rising and early going to bed. I also dislike loud car horns and noise. I don’t like to study for a long time at a stretch and the pressure of examinations. I positively dislike physical violence. I dislike those people who tell a lie for their selfish gain. This is a brief description of my likes and dislikes.

No more today. Write to me in your next letter about your likes and dislikes. I am eagerly waiting for your response.

Yours lovingly,

Your name

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