Write A Report on Republic Day Celebration in Your School

Write a report on celebration of Republic Day in your school about 150 words.

Republic Day Celebration in ABC Public School

Reported by…. Your name

Like every year, this year also, Republic Day was observed on 26th January, 20xx in our school in a befitting manner. The celebration took place with great zeal and patriotism. All the teachers and students gathered on the school auditorium in the morning. The students were in school uniform stood in front of the flag post. The chair of the special guest was adorned by  A. K. Sharma, a noted freedom fighter of the locality.

The school building was beautifully decorated with flowers pots and pictures of heroes of the freedom movement. The function began at 7:30 a.m. with the unfurling of the national flag by our principle sir, accompanied by the singing of the National anthem. Then the students delivered stage performances like recitations, songs, dances and dramas one after another. All the spectators were highly impressed by the fantastic stage shows of the students.

The principle and the chief guest delivered their valuable speech on the contribution of the freedom fighters to free mother India from the bondage of the British. The program ended with the distribution of sweets to everyone. Over all, it was a memorable day for all of us.

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