Write a Report on Independence Day Celebration in Your School

Write a report on celebration of independence Day in your school in about 150 – 200 words in English.

Reported by…. Your name

Like other year, this year also, independence day was observed on 15th August in our school in a befitting manner. The celebration took place in great joy and pomp. A big stage was erected in the playground. All the staff and students assembled in the school campus in the early morning. We were all in khaki uniforms and were standing in the proper lining of the ground.

The school campus was decorated nicely with flags, flowers, and festoons. The local S.D.O. sir was the chief guest and the principle of the school presided over the function. The program commenced with the hosting of the national flag by the principal and chief guest. As soon as the flag was hosted, everyone sang the national anthem. A parade was organised which was led by senior NCC cadets. After that the patriotic songs, dramas, recitations, and the speeches that followed added to the beauty and grandeur of the program. The students of class X staged a one act play, named Masterda.

After the function, the principle and the chief guest delivered impressive speeches on the contribution of the freedom fighters to free India from the bondage of British rule. The program ended with the distribution of sweets among the people presented on the occasion.

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