Write A Notice About A Football Match (Simple 2024 Guide)

Write a Notice about the Selection of the Football Team.


Write a Notice about a Football Match for Class 5

An inter-school football match will be held in your school playground. You are the captain of the school football team. Now write a notice inviting names for the selection of players for the school team.

XYZ School


 Football Team Selection

Ref. No.                 Date

Attention of the students of our school is hereby drawn to the fact that an inter-school friendly football match will be held on Tuesday i.e. 15th instant next at 2:00 p.m. The match will be held between our school and neighboring ABC School in our school playground. The players of classes IX and XI who are willing to participate are requested to submit their names to the undersigned on or before the 10th of this month. The final selection of the players will be held on the 12th of this month at 1:30 p.m. in our school playground. The willing participants are requested to present in time on the playground.

We crave for the co-operation of all concerned.

Countersigned by



XYZ School


                                                                                        Sports captain

                                                                                           XYZ School

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