Notice Writing on Farewell Ceremony of A Retired Teacher

In this article, we shall learn how to write a notice for a farewell party. So without any further delay, let’s move toward notice of the Farewell Ceremony of A Retired Teacher.

Notice for farewell party | Notice on farewell | Farewell program notice writing | Notice Writing on farewell party | Farewell notice writing | Notice Writing for farewell contribution

Suppose a teacher of your school is going to retire from service very soon. Write a notice as the secretary of the cultural committee informing the students of a farewell ceremony to be held in his honour.




Farewell ceremony in honour of Shri Sukanta Das, our beloved teacher

Ref. No…                    Date…

Attention of all the students of the school is hereby drawn to the fact that our respected teacher Shri Sukanta Das, one of the best teachers in our school is going to retire from his service life on 30th November 2019. He has been serving this school for the last 32 years with reputation. The students’ cultural committee has decided to arrange a farewell ceremony to make him honour. We have arranged a cultural program in his honour. So all the interested students are requested to enlist their names as performers of the function to their class teacher.

In this connection you are to note the following points:

1. November 30, has been fixed as the day for his farewell ceremony.

2. The farewell program will be held in the school ground at 11:30 a.m.

3. A sum of Rs. 100/- has been fixed for each student’s contribution to conduct the entire ceremony.

4. The fixed amount should be deposited to every class monitor of the school on or before November 20, 2019.

All concerned are requested to co-operate to make the program a grand success.

Countersigned by






                                                                 Cultural Committee

                                                                       ABC SCHOOL

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1. Write a Notice on a Farewell Meeting of a Retired Teacher of Your School.

2. Write a Notice on Farewell Party of a Teacher.

3. Notice for Farewell Party in School.

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1. Annual Prize Giving Ceremony – Notice Writing

2. School Educational Tour – Notice Writing

3. Flood Relief Fund – Notice Writing

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