Write Letter Your Pen Friend Describing the Uttarayan Festival in Your City

Write a letter to your pen friend telling him or her the Uttaran festival in your city.

Your address…


My dear friend,

Hi! How are you? I am good and I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health and spirits. Through this letter I am describing you about the Uttaran festival in our city.

This festival celebrated with full enthusiasm and  happiness on 14th January in our city, Ahmedabad. It is one of the greatest festivals of Gujarat. The festival, Uttarayan marks the transition of the sun into the northern hemisphere.

In the early morning people gathered on rooftops and in the open grounds and hold kites in their hands. They engaged in kite flying competitions in a friendly manner to see who can keep their kites soaring the longest.

People prepare various traditional sweets and share these with relatives and neighbours. The main attraction of this festival is bonfire. In general, the festival is a reflection of the vibrant culture traditions and the spirit of togetherness.

No more today. More when we meet. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to you.

Your loving friend,

Your name

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