Write Letter To Friend Inviting Him to Marriage Ceremony of Your Sister.

In this post, we shall learn how to write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your sister.

Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend Your Sister Marriage.

Your address …………

Date …………

Sub: Invitation Letter for Sister Marriage

My dear friend,

How are you? I hope you are well. I am also well by the grace of God. I am writing this letter with just a special purpose. I am very glad to inform you that my sister’s marriage ceremony comes off on 15th December 2019. It will be solemnized that special day at our house. I am writing this letter to invite you to attend my sister’s marriage ceremony.

My father has already sent invitations to all my relatives and I also have invited all the teachers in our school as well as the headmaster. Along with my father, I am also busy with all the arrangements for this wedding. I want you to come to my house at least a week before the wedding so that you too can extend a helping hand. Along with this letter, you will also receive the formal invitation card as soon as possible.

I hope you will definitely attend my sister’s wedding and join the dinner with all our relatives. I am expecting an early answer from you.

My best regards to your parents. With love to you,

Yours lovingly,

Your name

Read Also: Write a Letter to Your Ailing Mother Inquiring about Her Health.


Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Your Sister’s Wedding.

Your address …………

Date …………..

Sub: Sister Marriage Invitation Letter

My dear friend,

I have just received your sweet letter and I am very happy to know that you are well. I am also fine. You will be very glad to know that my sister’s marriage ceremony will come off on 17.11.2019. It will be solemnized at the local community hall near my house in Kolkata. I am writing this letter to invite you to join my sister’s wedding ceremony.

We have already invited all my relatives. I can not afford to miss you. My family has decided that a formal invitation card should be sent to you but I told them that my relationship with you is so deep that there is no need for this formal invitation. I think that a personal letter is much better than an invitation card.

Please come at least a week before the marriage ceremony. I hope you will not disappoint me. My parents will be very happy if you come to my house and join the marriage party. I shall early wait for your arrival.

Convey my best regards to your parents. With love to your brother and sister,

Yours lovingly,

Your name

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him On His Success in the Examination.



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