Write Letter To Your Friend Describing Your First Train Journey

Write a Letter to Your Friend Telling Him about Your First Train Journey.

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Sub: My First Train Journey

My dear friend,

At the beginning of the letter, take my endless love. With immense joy and happiness, I wish to share with you about my first journey by train.

Journey of any kind is a source of enjoyment. This journey was more special as it was my first train journey from Howrah to New Delhi. I was very excited for that.

On the 7th instant I had a chance to have a journey to Delhi by Rajdhani Express to attend the marriage of my cousin. So we reached the Howrah station at 6:00 a.m. The train was already been put into the platform number 8. The whole platform was over crowded. As we had our reservations so we quickly occupied our seats.

A tingle of excitement ran through my body when the train began to move out of the station. I was sitting beside the window. The big buildings, trees, houses on both sides where running fast behind the train. A distinct change in the landscape was seen after the train had left the Naihati station. I saw many hawkers selling various things inside the train. Some passengers were talking with their family, some were reading books, some were sleeping and some were reading newspaper. At last, we reached our destination Delhi at 6:00 p.m. Throughout the journey we were in a holiday mood. The memory of my first train journey will remain ever fresh in my mind.

No more today. With love to you,

Yours lovingly,

Your name

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